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CSNCA Buildings - Reserve Study

Last summer, the board interviewed several companies for the purpose of performing an association Reserve Study.  The board selected Superior Reserve.  In August of 2021, the study was completed and delivered to the board for review and eventually made available thru the web site. 


Why the Board requested a Reserve Study

- We wanted a professional study to serve as a blueprint to help us objectively evaluate our futures needs

- To help us to Protect and Preserve our place of happiness

- To help us Protect and Preserve our investment 

- To identify any safety concerns 


Areas of particular concern

- Safety concerns such as (step rails to the beach)

- Exterior outlets may not have proper GFI protection. More research to be done to verify this claim.

- Deteriorating trim and siding (See Reserve Study pages 3,5,6,11,26-30, 55-67)


Through this educational period, the board realized a need to adopt new contractor protocols.


< Currently Under Construction >

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