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CSNCA Buildings - Why Now?

  • Climbing interest rates

  • Material costs keep rising/gas prices are affecting transportation of materials

  • Reserve Study only focuses on maintenance of buildings using natural wood products and only assumes funding on an increased yearly fee payment structure

  • HOA loans and assessments can provide the finances quickly to counter the aging structures while allowing the present limited reserve fund to grow and be used for other repairs

  • Does waiting 3 to 4 years benefit our association. We believe any delay allows more deterioration and therefore more repair costs to maintain materials soon to be all but obsolete. 

We would like to recognize Tom Frohman CSNCA owner and a member of the Reserve Study Finance group for his efforts.  Tom has been our liaison in establishing an exchange of information  with Catawba Shore South.  Tom also made the initial contact with Croghan Bank that has led to a very good opportunity for the association.  Thanks Tom for your efforts.  We really appreciate your help!

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